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Published: March 3, 2023


Express Entry in 2023 – Everything you need to know about the upcoming changes.

Written by: Weber Immigration - Team

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If you’re still waiting for your permanent residency in Canada, it’s time to get ready because the Express Entry system is due for some major changes in 2023.

The Express Entry system is the fastest and most popular way for hopeful immigrants to apply for their permanent residency in Canada. It was designed to meet Canada’s labour market needs and to support our economic growth. But not only that, Canada is a welcoming country and we need newcomers to help our communities thrive and grow.

But since there are thousands of applicants from all around the world, the pool is designed to select individuals on a ranking system based on their skills and abilities like their official language proficiency (English and/or French), post-secondary education, and Canadian work experience.

So what are the new changes expected to the Express Entry System?

While the Express Entry system has traditionally been made by calling out draws and then sending out invitations to candidates in the pool, the system could now be broken down into particular categories.

Immigrants will first be sorted into specific categories, and will then be ranked according to their CRS Score (Comprehensive Ranking System). Only the top of them will be invited to apply.

The category-based selection will still be limited only to those candidates who qualify under the programs managed by the Express Entry system like the Canadian Experience Class, the Federal Skilled Worker Program, and the Federal Skilled Trades Program

Why is Express Entry Changing to a Category-based System?

The purpose of the possible new categories is to address specific needs and priorities in the economy across the country. Another major focus is to support Francophone immigration and economic growth in Francophone communities.

By selecting candidates that have the specific skills and talents that cities and communities are looking for, the country will meet its economic goals.

What are the new categories?

The government has been collecting feedback and has been doing research across the country for months, and these are the 4 possible categories:

Category 1: Selecting candidates based on Work Experience in a particular occupation or sector

There are many industries across Canada experiencing challenges finding local talent and employees to fill positions. This could be due to jobs being too specific or to fast-growing industries like information technology.

This category would include, you guessed it, selecting candidates who have work experience based on a specific occupation that is experiencing a chronic, long-term labour shortage.

By bringing in new immigrants with the skills and work experience to fill in those gaps in a specific field or industry, Canada will be better set up economically for the future.

Category 2: Helping International Student Graduates transition to Permanent Residence

The current International Student Program has already helped thousands of immigrants settle into their new life in Canada by applying for a post-graduate work permit. In fact, in 2021 alone, over 88,000 international students transitioned to permanent residence through the Express Entry program alone!*

But this new category could be even more specific. It would include selecting graduates with a degree or diploma in in-demand fields.

Category 3: Helping Temporary Foreign Workers Transition to Permanent Residence

The government knows that workers who are already in Canada working and that have Canadian work experience in their field integrate better into their careers as a permanent resident.

That’s why it only makes sense to create a category that will help make it easier for temporary foreign workers to stay in the country with their permanent residence.

Category 4: Selecting Francophone and Bilingual Candidates

Economic growth in Francophone minority communities is a major priority for the Canadian government, which is why one of the 4 possible new categories will further increase admission through Express Entry for French-speaking candidates.


The latest updates to the Express Entry system could bring new opportunities for your immigration dreams as the government is positioning Canada for long-term economic success.

Whether you’re a student, a foreign worker, a French-speaking candidate, or you have work experience in a specific occupation, Canada needs you.

Not sure which category you’ll fall into?

Get in touch with our team of Registered Canadian Immigration Consultants to help you out!

After a personalized consultation, you’ll have all of your questions answered and a gameplan to set you up for success.

Author: Maria Alfaro – Founder of English for Canada – Supporter of Newcomers to Canada – *Source

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